Sunday, July 24, 2011

I'm Forever Wretched

Sometimes, I hold on to something that isn't there anymore. Sometimes, I cry for the things I lost. Sometimes, I am too weak. Sometimes, I just want to disappear forever.

Monday, July 18, 2011

My Make Up Blog!

Hello guys! I created a new Tumblog, where I shall throw all my shallowness and vanity. Lol. Follow me if you want! :) It would be a blog dedicated mostly for girls and girls at heart. I might post a video later about my sort of an introduction about that blog (The perks of being a bummer, I can do whatever I feel like doing. Lol). I know, I might sound and look irritating, lol, sorry for that. So yeah,

Follow me if you want! Thank you! :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

MakeupJunkie88 Anniversary Give Away

Blogging regularly is a pretty difficult job to do so, especially when you have lots of others stuffs needed to be accomplished as well. Nonetheless, others still managed to do so and I am definitely pretty amazed, especially to the people who blogs about helpful posts for people. Hence, congrats to Miss Pricilla and to your blog for its anniversary!

So I recently discovered her blog and immediately followed since found her posts informative and I love to be updated with make ups. Yes, cosmetics are my current addiction right now. You can join her give away too, just click this.

So what's up for grabs?

MAC Gift Cards! (I have been a fan of MAC since I discovered it during my frosh days in college and I am beginning my collection ever since. Lol yes, truth revealed here, if I am not reading books and watching films, I am shopping for make ups! Lol. Thus, I was so giddy when I saw this! Amazing, right?)

1st Winner - $100
2nd Winner - $50
3rd Winner - $25

"Due to currency conversion and the fact that I have to purchase the gift card in US Dollars, and because gift cards are only valid in stores and online, I will be giving any winner the option to have me purchase the items they want equal to the value of the gift card they won.  Please note that if you choose to use the gift card online you will be responsible for any of MAC's shipping charges." 

So guys join the this fantastic giveaway too!
*crosses fingers *ahem I hope I win! :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Personalities Behind The Deck of Card

I was born on February 8, 1992, so I got four spades. This is the analysis:

Spades are confident, strong-willed and wise. Even when they are young, Spades will often act more mature than their age. These are the workers of the deck. Spades are more interested in doing their jobs well than talking about them or becoming too emotionally involved with others. Spades can be stubborn and don’t like it when others try to control them. Spades find satisfaction in careers in construction (building), broadcasting and health care. And, as the symbol of “transformation,” Spades can also be successful in industries that deal with death or dying, and mysticism. (Accurate!)

The “even” (receptive) numbers are balanced and logical, attracting things and people to them. (Accurate!)

Four is fortunate, organized and efficient. You are a hard-worker and good at bringing people and plans together. Avoid stubbornness or being small-minded. (LOL THIS IS SO NOT ME, except for being stubborn.)

I prefer this description though:

Five is adventurous, restless, and hates routine or anything that limits your freedom. As a “people person,” you are comfortable around all kinds of personalities. Learn to commit.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


I dislike how Facebook works nowadays, in general. Sometimes I feel like it is no longer a social networking site but a site of flatterers, trying to build our narcissism.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


  • Have you ever felt disliking something because everyone is already liking it?
  • What do you think of someone using other’s photo as her profile picture and literally lying to the world and even insisting that it is her picture?
  • Have you ever felt being numb to almost everything?
  • What do you think of people who think life is not complete without their significant other?
  • Have you ever felt decapitating your professor?
  • What do you think of people making silly fan pages on Facebook?
  • Have you ever felt going away and starting a new life somewhere far away from home? Or time traveling just to escape the life you are living right now?
  • What do you think of the idea that sarcasm is overrated?
I am fond of listing what I did and my thoughts in bullets, but yesterday I thought of putting those into questions. Lol, nothing significant I thought at first. But little did I know that I will get such a wonderful remark out of it.
I am always grateful of good comments about me, especially when they are pertaining on how my mind works and I felt the need to blog about that here. I  am just that happy when someone appreciates my ideas. You may call me shallow, but that is how I roll. Lol.

I also want to say that he is one of my few followers who gives interesting feedbacks on my posts. A big thanks for that! :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Beyond Failure and Imagination

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
I just want this on my blog. I am not really a fan of her before but I really admire on how she come up with the Harry Potter series and this speech made me grow so fond of her. If someone might happen to stumble upon on my blog, please do watch this. This is brilliant and inspiring for all the people out there who struggle in the midst of downfall. And by the way, I find her hilarious.

Highlights (according to my perspective):
1. The delight in surpassing failure while learning from it.
2. Your accomplishments is not enough to define who you are.
3. You will fail, unless you live life cautiously. But you will not live at all because of that.
4. Recognition of the nightmare of reality vis a vis the goodness of humanity. It is important to be aware on how people from different nations, gender and religion suffer. But it is significant as well, to view the goodness of people trying to put harmony in the world.
5. "We do not need magic to transform our world. . . We have the power to imagine better."
6. Raise our voice.

*Thanks to her too, I was reminded to read more of Seneca.