Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Is it too high? Or you are just afraid to soar?

This photo is taken by my bestfriend and I edited it and put a caption on it.
   I am the girl who always think I'll only fail with everything. But I'm not that hopeless since sometimes I wish I can do better, although I am always anxious to move because I am also afraid to fail and be jilted at the end. But deep inside me, I yearn to be a girl who no longer hesitates to open my wings and be brave enough to soar no matter how high it could be.
   My friends think that I am really brave and I am too adventurous. But deep inside my flesh and guts, I am just a kid who is afraid of her own nightmares. I wish I could be the way they think I am. I wish I could have the courage to aim higher. I want to do more, to be more. But until now I do not know how. I just kept on writing and voicing out my opinions. But maybe, that is my purpose. 

   I hope i can learn how to stand up on my own and do what I want, then succeed at the end. Although I know it would not be easy. I could be rejected at times, ignored and criticized. But who cares? It is not identifying your mistakes, but learning from it, right? So anyway, good luck to me. Like everyone else, I dream of being triumphant at my chosen field. I anticipate for a big change in my life and that would only happen if I learn to step forward.

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