Friday, September 10, 2010

Off Boundaries: Realist over Romance

    Most Filipinos do know Bob Ong, he is a famous writer in Romance mode in the Philippines who is making his attempt into Realism.

   I remember like five years ago when I would be laughing crazily at my room while reading his books. When I used to think, he is a good writer, but not really someone I would look up to. But all those beliefs faded when I entered the Literature Major Program. He is too melodramatic.; too sentimental; too trying hard to be literary, well that were based from my professors. His works, always infusing sympathy to the readers; always in the romance mode. Or can we even really consider him as as a romantic (not romanticist)?. My profs dislike him, and yes even Charlson Ong feels the same way. But anyway, he is fun to read and he is oh-so-famous in popular culture, in mass civilization. 
   But I am still sad, for seeing how hostile this world really is. Why would there is always be a boundary between the masses and the bourgeoisie? And even in arts and literature, the line separating the two worlds is too distinct.


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