Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hello! I am starting to be fascinated with gyarus and kawaii culture of Japan for the past few months. Well, not because they are popular these days but because these cutesy Japanese style of makeup and fashion epitomizes innocence and beauty at the same time, and not the usual whore culture from the other countries wherein female wear barely there clothes with their very strong aura in make ups. Do you get what I mean? Lol. I do think gyarus from Japan and the flawless Korean girls are the contrast of those smoky hot girls in bikinis in the West. Lol. Therefore, making me like these pop culture. I love how they promote cuteness rather than hotness, although that is based on my own preference. Lol.

So by the bye, I am into web researching about these culture and I saw this beautiful girl somewhere. I am too in love with her hair and she is so fabulous! And I saw her face without make up and she is still lovely. She is one of the few people I know who has a very nice skin. For some reasons though, I can see her resemblance with the renowned internet celebrity, Miss Tricia Gosingtian. Some of her photos like this one really reminds me of Miss Tricia. Lol, I have also been back reading her blog since yesterday because it is so interesting and I learned a lot, especially with beauty products and blogging. Seeing her photos too made me realize I badly need my own decent camera if I want to improve my blogging. Lol.

I also want to share here that she is having her blog giveaway, and of course I joined. You can also join too! (Referring to those who might stumble upon this blog. Lol). Good luck to us! I have been really eyeing that Candy Doll mineral powder since God knows when. Lol.
Click the photo to read the mechanics of the contest!

I also want to suggest another beauty blogger who happens to be gorgeous as well. Her name is Jen and she seems to be not just very pretty but also down to earth and nice as well! Her videos are awesome and I love her voice and her personality! View her if you have time and if you need to learn things about make-ups!

So there! To anyone who happened to read this, stay beautiful inside and out guys! Kick the negative vibes away!

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